面試題 Shopping Receipt


Write a program to print receipt for a shopping cart including sales tax.

Customers shop from different states of US, and sales tax is applied based on location and product category.

Sales tax = roundup(price * quantity * sales tax rate)

Certain product categories are exempt from sales tax (means tax will be 0), and sales tax amount should be rounded up to the nearest 0.05 (e.g. 1.13->1.15, 1.16->1.20, 1.151->1.20).

The interactive UI is not required, at minimum you can implement code method and use parameters as input or read input value from file.


The input of the program includes: product name, price, quantity and location of the purchase.

All other information, such as tax rates and product categories, is not part of the input and can be stored/initialized within the program or as part of configuration settings.


The program should print the list of items customer purchased, including name/qty/price, subtotal, sales tax, and total, by following format of use cases.

Tax rates

In California (CA), sales tax rate is 9.75%, food is exempt.

In New York (NY), sales tax rate is 8.875%, food and clothing are exempt.

Please use JAVA. Unit test is a plus.

Use case 1:

Input: Location: CA, 1 book at 17.99, 1 potato chips at 3.99

item              price        qty

book             17.99          1
potato chips3.99          1
subtotal:                   21.98
total:                      $23.78

Use case 2:

Input: Location: NY, 1 book at 17.99, 3 pencils at 2.99

item              price        qty

book             17.99          1
pencil2.99          3
subtotal:                   26.96
total:                      $29.36

Use case 3:

Input: Location: NY, 2 pencils at 2.99, 1 shirt at 29.99

item              price        qty

pencil            2.99          2
shirt29.99          1
subtotal:                   35.97
total:                      $36.52


import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * all in one program based on jdk 21
public class Cart {

    enum Location {
        CA, NY

    enum Category {

    static class Product {
        Integer quantity;
        String name;
        BigDecimal price;

        public Product(Integer quantity, String name, Double price) {
            this.quantity = quantity;
            this.name = name;
            this.price = BigDecimal.valueOf(price);

    Location location;
    List<Product> products;
    Map<Location, BigDecimal> taxRateMap;
    Map<String, Category> productCategoryMap;

    Cart(Location location, Product... products) {
        this.location = location;
        this.products = List.of(products);

        taxRateMap = Map.of(
                Location.CA, BigDecimal.valueOf(9.75),
                Location.NY, BigDecimal.valueOf(8.875)

        productCategoryMap = Map.of(
                "book", Category.OTHER,
                "potato chips", Category.FOOD,
                "pencil", Category.OTHER,
                "shirt", Category.CLOTHING

    // output the formatted content
    public void printReceipt() {
        BigDecimal subtotal = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal tax = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal total;

        System.out.printf("%-15s %8s %12s%n", "item", "price", "qty");

        for (Product product : products) {
            BigDecimal itemTotal = product.price.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(product.quantity.longValue()));
            subtotal = subtotal.add(itemTotal);
            tax = tax.add(countTax(product.name, itemTotal));

            System.out.printf("%-15s %8s %12s%n", product.name, "" + product.price, product.quantity);

        total = subtotal.add(tax);

        System.out.printf("%-15s %21s%n", "subtotal:", "" + subtotal);
        System.out.printf("%-15s %21s%n", "tax:", "" + tax);
        System.out.printf("%-15s %21s%n", "total:", "" + total);

    // count tax by location and category
    private BigDecimal countTax(String productName, BigDecimal price) {
        Category category = productCategoryMap.get(productName);
        BigDecimal taxRate = taxRateMap.get(location);

        if (location == Location.CA && category == Category.FOOD ||
            location == Location.NY && category == Category.FOOD ||
            location == Location.NY && category == Category.CLOTHING
        ) {
            taxRate = BigDecimal.ZERO;

        BigDecimal tax = price.multiply(taxRate).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(100), 2, RoundingMode.UP);
        return tax.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(0.05), 0, RoundingMode.UP).multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(0.05));

    // unit test
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Use case 1");
        new Cart(Location.CA,
                new Product(1, "book", 17.99),
                new Product(1, "potato chips", 3.99)

        System.out.println("Use case 2");
        new Cart(Location.NY,
                new Product(1, "book", 17.99),
                new Product(3, "pencil", 2.99)

        System.out.println("Use case 3");
        new Cart(Location.NY,
                new Product(2, "pencil", 2.99),
                new Product(1, "shirt", 29.99)


  1. 考英文閱讀理解能力
  2. 考物件導向概念:參數、傳值
  3. 考浮點數計算:BigDecimal、round、scale
  4. 考文字排版:printf
